Program Description, Elementary

At the elementary level, the child enters a new stage of development. The emergence of the reasoning mind; a strong interest in social organizations as well as peer groups are major developmental changes at this stage. A different class structure and curriculum are given to address these major developmental changes.

The lessons are primarily aimed to develop and coordinate reasoning skills. The materials and activities strongly support the child’s need to manipulate and explore connections of ideas.

Studies are integrated not only in terms of subject matter but also in terms of moral learning. As a result, there is appreciation and respect for life, moral empathy, and a fundamental belief in progress, the universality of the human condition, the meaning of true justice and the importance of the contribution of the individual.

1. The Great Lessons

The “Great Lessons” are connective narratives that provide a framework and an overview for organizing and integrating studies in history, geography, science, mathematics and language. Materials are impressionistic charts and timelines which span the history of the universe, origin of the solar system, earth and life forms to the emergence of cultures and rise of civilizations. More than the facts, the Great Lessons inspire awe and respect for the integration of all knowledge and the contributions of early men. Furthermore, the lessons plant the seeds of realization that the continuation of civilizations lies in man’s contribution to it, furthering the hope that the students themselves will see their own place in the cycle of life.

2. Mathematics and Geometry

Armed with key concepts laid at the primary level, mathematics at the elementary moves the child to abstraction. Work with the materials simultaneously tackles arithmetic, geometric and algebraic connections. Visual materials present operations with fractions, decimals, squaring, cubing and algebraic equations. Analysis of basic geometric shapes leads to an understanding of theorems and their applications. Geometry work includes the study of equivalence, area and volume.

3. Language and Reading (English and Filipino)

These areas introduce the child to formal grammar, sentence analysis, etymology and interpretive reading. Activities in spelling, structure and style are given to enhance writing skills. These language rules and tools provide the essential supports in the student’s creative writing endeavors as well as research skills. Strong emphasis is laid on analysis of classical and contemporary literature including outstanding works of Filipino authors.

4. Cultural Studies

Includes studies in Natural and Physical science, history, geography, art, music and drama. Students discover that geography is the story of the earth's origins and its accommodating environments. They learn that biology is the study of the coming of life to preserve the harmony of the earth. They investigate history as the story of human beings who come to fulfill the plan set in motion at the creation. The study of language helps them understand how humans communicate, not only in spoken and written word, but through art and music as well. Through mathematics and science, they explore the formulas that human beings have developed to transmit their ideas to inventions. Often these explorations take the children beyond the confines of the classroom to investigate further.